Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | Come, Thou Almighty King (BR048).pro

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Come, Thou Almighty King (BR048).pro
Orig Key: F | New Key:

Title: Come Thou Almighty King

Key: F

tempo: 110

time: 3/4 

Verse 1

F              Bb    C   F
Come Thou Al - might - y King 
F           C/E  F  C
Help us Thy name to sing 
Help us to praise 
C          F         C              F
Father all glorious, o'er all vic - torious
N.C.           F        Bb   C        F
Come and reign over us, An - cient of Days 

Verse 2

F              Bb  C      F
Come Thou In - car - nate Word 
F           C/E     F C
Gird on Thy might - y sword 
Our prayer attend 
C            F             C            F
Come and Thy people bless, and give Thy Word success
N.C.      F         Bb C       F
Spirit of holiness, on us de - scend 

Verse 3

F         Bb  C       F
Come Holy Com - for - ter 
F          C/E   F    C
Thy sacred wit - ness bear 
In this glad hour 
C             F           C           F
Thou who al - mighty art, now rule in ev'ry heart 
N.C.           F          Bb     C     F
And ne'er from us depart, Spir - it of pow'r 

Verse 4

F              Bb  C   F
To Thee, great One  in Three 
F       C/E     F  C
Eternal prais - es be 
Hence evermore 
C             F       C         F
Thy sov'reign majesty may we in glory see 
N.C.       F        Bb   C       F
And to e - ternity, love and a - dore